
Germany push smart shoes

 Germany push smart shoes : Corrective movement gesture sprain prevention
   Beijing on December 5 , according to gigaom reports, the German research institute is developing a smart fraunhofer sneakers , which can help prevent runners identify and correct children's shoes improper running posture , thereby preventing many common sports injuries .
    Developers said that in the absence of some beginners through professional coaching situation for jogging , in the long run , it is easy to hurt your body. Not just for beginners , and even professional athletes challenge themselves past their own limits when it is easy to sprain .

    Thus, the new embedded inside the smart sneakers various sensors including the acceleration sensor and the gps . These sensors can acquire various kinds of data the user while running , and then through the smart phone application associated presented. The study in early 2015 the agency plans to market smart shoes . Researchers andreas heinig said, " The application can be recommended that users running speed , Casual sport shoes position, and length of training time ."

heinig also said that many chest and wrist strap wearing style sports accessories have people monitoring the pulse and respiratory rate and other vital signs . The challenge faced by the more intelligent shoes , shoes must be monitored vital signs through a lot of sweat and more sensors patch . It is understood that startups heapsylon has also developed a smart socks can monitor the body characteristics of life .

It is reported that researchers have created a prototype of shoes and related applications for mobile devices . Brand sport shoes The researchers intend to waterproof , lightweight and durable basis will make electronic devices and sensors smaller .

